Sunday, August 22, 2010

Robot Sales Jump 40% in North America in the first half of 2010

Robot Sales Jump 40% in North America in the first half of 2010

Order with non-motor business, led by the Robotics Industry Association. Lead arc welding and material handling.

American companies in the field of robotics saw orders jump 40% in units in the first half of 2010, according to new figures from the Robotic Industries Association (RIA Journal), Trade Industry Group.

A total of 6316 robots valued at $ 411,400,000 were ordered by companies in North America and June, 40% in units and 48% in U.S. dollars the same period in 2009. When orders to companies outside North America, including, for a further rise of 54% to 62% in units and dollars.

"In North America was the largest gain in orders for non-automotive business, where units rose 51%," said Jeffrey A. Burnstein, president of the air. "This is a very positive sign for our industry has been in various industries, such as growing semiconductor, electronics and photonics, food and beverages, plastics and rubber, consumer products, and life sciences. Each segment posted a substantial lead in the first half of 2010, while automotive orders increased by 30%. "

Burnstein noted that comparisons with 2009 are very similar as the numbers dropped sharply last year due to recession. "We still have a long way before the industry during a recession sales levels, but I am very pleased that we were on the right track," he said.

The main application of arc welding robots showed gains of 52% of the units, followed very closely with the management of materials, with 51%. "Materials handling is still the largest application area for robots, this is a big leap in first half of this year is very good news," says Burnstein.

Burnstein also said that sales of material handling robots tend to increase further if the RIA Auto Fair 2011 (formerly the International Robots, Vision & Motion Control) ProMat Show placements, an important trade fair for material flow and logistics, sponsored by the American Material Handling Industry. Posted in events that take place from 21 till March 24, 2011 McCormick Place in Chicago.

"There is growing interest in robots, storage and distribution industries, which include segments of the main objectives ProMat group," says Burnstein. "There are more mobile robotics and applications for industry, and we also saw a robotic arm with a mobile base We see here the most important growth opportunities for our members to make this application is very interesting .."

RIA estimates that some 198,000 robots are now working in U.S. factories used by the United States to Japan in the second robot in general. More than one million robots are used throughout the world.

Founded in 1974, above, currently representing about 225 robot manufacturers, system integrators, suppliers, customers, advisory groups and research centers. In addition to exhibitions and conferences, the biennial (now known as, automatic formerly known as the International Robots, Vision & Motion Control Show) RIA's most famous for developing Robot ANSI / RIA National Safety Standard annual Robotics Industry Forum (next event is scheduled for 19 - December 21, 2011 in Orlando, Florida) and the Robotics Online, the world's leading site for information about robotics.

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