Sunday, September 26, 2010

Air India plans to sell six Boeing cargo

National airline Air India Boeing will sell six aircraft includes an indication that the aircraft could be your business plan to divide the load into a separate subsidiary of the delay.

"We from our six Boeing 737-200 cargo sales for the business plan to have a separate charge of subsidiaries that can not be taken now," said Air India as the source.

Air India will invite bids from companies interested in immediately to remove the plane, he said.

In addition, the airline has released four A-310 car company, they said.
Six-owned Indian Airlines Boeing 737-200 cargo and passenger carriers former in 2007, the airline plans to launch a special cargo service using a hub Nagpur countries.

In addition to the configuration Boeing, Airbus 310-300 aircraft and four passenger jets to transport 40 million U.S. dollars converted at a price to place on the proposed load.

However, the plan has not been able to fruit and will remain on paper for nearly three years.

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